题目: Holographic Correlation Functions from D-branes
报告人:吴俊宝教授 (中国科学院高能物理研究所)
时 间:11月12日星期一下午4:30--5:30
地 点:管理科研楼1518
摘 要: We compute holographically the two-point and three-point functions of giant gravitons. We consider the maximal giant graviton in S^5 corresponding to the operator det(Z). For computing the two-point functions, we find the corresponding D3-brane in bulk which connect the composite operators at the AdS_5 boundary. We stress that Routhian plays a key role here. For the three-point functions of two giant gravitons with open strings and one certain half-BPS chiral primary operator, we find that the D-brane contributions to structure constant are always vanishing. This talk is based on joint work with Dongsu Bak and Bin Chen.
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