吴文俊数学重点实验室微分几何与分析系列讲座之五十一【Paula Cerejeiras 副教授】


报告题目:Discrete function theory: boundary values and Hardy spaces

报告人:Paula Cerejeiras副教授, 葡萄牙阿维罗大学数学系

报告时间: 2013年6月24日  星期一  3:00-4:00pm

报告地点: 管理科研楼1518教室


In the last decade one can observe an increasing interest in discrete coun-
terparts for known continuous structures. While such ideas are very much
developed in the complex case they are quite underdeveloped in the higher-
dimensional case is yet underdeveloped. In fact, the development of genuinely
function theoretical methods only started quite recently. In this talk we study
the boundary behavior of discrete null-solutions of a discrete Dirac operator
in the upper lower half space. By calculation of the Fourier symbol of the
boundary operator we construct the corresponding discrete Hilbert trans-
forms, the projection operators arising from them, and discuss the notion of
discrete Hardy spaces.

主办单位:  365英国上市官网          中科院吴文俊数学重点实验室



