吴文俊数学重点实验室动力系统系列讲座之二十八【E. H. El Abdalaoui】
题目:Introduction to the dynamics of the Mobius function and related topics
报告人:E. H. El Abdalaoui
Deaprtment of Mathematics, University of Rouen, France
时间:2014年3月11日(周二)和13日(周四)下午3: 00―5: 00
Sarnak has recently initiated the study of the Mobius function and its square, the characteristic function of square-free integers, from a dynamical point of view, introducing the Mobius flow and the square-free flow as the action of the shift map on the respective subsh ts generated by these functions.
Furthermore, he state a conjecture on the orthogonality of the Mobius function and the topological dynamical
flow with zero topological entropy.
In these lectures, following a dynamical point view, I will present a basic facts on the Mobius function and the connection to the prime number theorem, the Dirichlet theorem, the Riemann zeta function and a classical results of Vinogradov.
I will further discuss from the topological dynamical point view, some results on the square-free flow and its generalization to B-free umbers in connection with Erdos conjecture and the heredity shifts.
I will also review some recent results on Sarnak conjecture. These lectures are essentially based on my recent joint work with Mariusz Lema nzyk-Stanis law Kasjan, Thierry de la Rue and Joanna Ku laga-Przymus (4 papers).