题目:On the Kaehler Ricci flow
报告人: 陈秀雄 美国纽约州立大学石溪分校/我校
摘要: This is a joint work with Bing Wang. Based on the compactness of the moduli of non-collapsed Calabi-Yau spaces with mild singularities, we set up a structure theory for polarized Ka/"hler Ricci flows with proper geometric bounds. Our theory is a generalization of the structure theory of non-collapsed K/”ahler Einstein manifolds. As applications, we prove the Hamilton-Tian conjecture on Kaehler Ricci flow and the complete partial- C0-conjecture of Tian for K/”abler metrics with Ricci bounded from below, where Donaldson-Sun proved partial C^0 estimate for K/”abler Einstein metrics.
Bing Wang is graduate of USTC in 2003.