题 目:Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Colorings of Graphs
时 间:2014年6月7日(星期六) 上午 10:50-11:35
地 点:管理科研楼1611会议室
摘 要:An adjacent vertex distinguishing edge -coloring of a graph is a proper edge -coloring of such that for any two adjacent vertices and have , where denotes a set of colors used on the edges incident to a vertex . The adjacent vertex distinguishing edge chromatic number of G is the smallest for which admits an adjacent vertex distinguishing edge -coloring. Similarly, we can define the adjacent vertex distinguishing total chromatic number of a graph . In this talk we study the adjacent vertex distinguishing edge coloring and total coloring of some graphs such as outerplanar graphs, -minor free graphs, planar graphs, graphs with lower maximum average degree, etc. We give a chief survey on this direction.