题目: On the Uniqueness of singular Kaehler-Einstein equations
报告人:Long Li, McMaster University
时间: 2014年7月22日 周二下午15:00-16:00
地点: 管理楼1416
摘要: Bando and Mabuchi proved the uniqueness of Kaehler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds up to a holomorphic automorphism in 1987. Then recently Berndtsson generalized the uniqueness result of Kaehler-Einstein metrics to bounded potentials. We give a new proof of Bando-Mabuch-Berndtsson's uniqueness theorem in a different aspect, based on a new technique developed from Chen's C^{1,1} geodesic and Futaki's spectral formula. Finally, the uniqueness of the conical Kaehler-Einstein metrics will be discussed under the assumption of properness of twisted Ding-functional.