题目:Categorical resolutions of triangulated categories
报告人: 章璞 教授(上海交通大学)
时间:2014年10月24日, 周五15:30-17:30
摘要:Categorical resolutions of a triangulated category come from looking for a minimal resolution of singularities of an algebraic variety. There are now several definitions of a categorical resolution of a triangulated category, mainly given
by A. Bondal and D. Orlov, A.Kuznetsov, M. Van den Bergh, and V.A. Lunts. In this talk, we will briefly recall their ways.By using representation theory of Artin algebras and the relative derived category, we will give categorical resolutions of a class of bounded derived categories, both in the sense of A. Bondal and D. Orlov, and in the sense of A.Kuznetsov. In the commutative local Gorenstein case, this is also in the sense of M. Van den Bergh.