吴文俊数学重点实验室代数学系列讲座之六十五 【傅翔】




时间:2015年1月9日 (星期五),下午16:30-17:30

题目: Coxeter groups, Cayley graphs, dominance and asymptotic behaviours of roots.

摘要:   Dominance is a useful partial ordering defined on the root systems of Coxeter groups. In the literature it has non-trivial applications in the group-theoretic, combinatorial and computational aspects of Coxeter groups. In this talk we outline a number of recent results on dominance. In particular, we discuss how dominance can be used to better understand the asymptotic behaviours of the so-called normalized roots of infinite Coxeter groups. Furthermore, we outline the natural interpretation of dominance in terms of the Cayley graphs of Coxeter groups. Time permitting, we may outline the connection between the visual boundaries of the Davis complexes of Coxeter groups and the limits of the so-called normalized roots of Coxeter groups.
This talk is based on some recent joint work with Dr. Lawrence Reeves.
