Title:Effects of Human Movement on the Spatial Spread of Infectious Diseases
Speaker:高道舟 (上海师范大学)
Time:2019年9月16日(周一) 下午 16:30-17:30
Room:东区第一教学楼 1202室
Abstract:Human movement facilitates the introduction, establishment and spread of infectious diseases. Epidemic models with spatial heterogeneity have gained considerable attention in the past two decades. They play an important role in characterizing, predicting, and controlling disease spread. The vast majority of these studies focus on disease dynamics and most models have shown threshold property in terms of the basic reproduction number R0, i.e., the disease dies out if R0<1 and becomes persistent if R0>1. In this talk, I will present some existing results and recent advances on the persistence of either directly transmitted diseases or vector-borne diseases in a patchy environment.