03-31【Li-Sheng Tseng】腾讯会议 Geometry&Topology Seminar系列讲座之054


告题目:A Cone Story for Smooth Manifolds

报告人:Li-Sheng Tseng(加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校)

时间:2023年3月31日    10:00 -11:00    

地点:腾讯会议号659 493 495,无需密码


For manifolds such as special holonomy and symplectic manifolds that are equipped with a geometrical structure specified by a distinguished closed form, we will motivate the usefulness of considering pairs of differential forms that are linked together by a map of the distinguished form.  We will show how this lead to new notions of Morse theory and flat connections, and also novel Yang-Mills type functionals. This talk is based on joint works with David Clausen, Xiang Tang, and Jiawei Zhou.
