报告题目:On intermediate Lie algebra $E_{7+1/2}$
腾讯会议:572-283-2445 会议密码:123456
摘要: $E_{7+1/2}$ is an intermediate Lie algebra filling the hole between $E_7$ and $E_8$ in the Deligne-Cvitanovic exceptional series. It was found independently by Mathur, Muhki, Sen in the classification of 2d RCFTs via modular linear differential equations and by Deligne, Cohen, de Man in representation theory. I will talk about some recent progress on the VOA associated with $E_{7+1/2}$ at higher levels and the VOA associated with $E_{7+1/2}$ instanton SCFTs. These generalize the previous works of Kawasetsu for $E_{7+1/2}$ at level 1 and of Arakawa-Kawasetsu at level $-5$. This is based on a to-appear work joint with Kimyeong Lee and Haowu Wang.