05-08【Adrien BOYER】五教5307 中法班讨论班系列报告029


题目:Some properties of boundary representations: the case of SL(2,R)

报告人:Adrien BOYER, Université Paris Cité(巴黎西岱大学)




I will discuss, in the case of the group SL(2,R), some aspect of boundary representations. 

A such group acts naturally on its symmetric space. This action extends to the boundary on which almost all irreducible unitary representations can be realized. All these representations restrict to some interesting discrete subgroup: the lattices in SL(2,R). I will try to explain the interplay between ergodic theory, potential theory and spectral estimates to obtain some ergodic properties of these unitary representations for discrete groups.

If time permits, I will discuss generalizations to other contexts of these tools and state some open conjecture.
